Summer Adventure

Full-Day Camp

Registration Opens Early March 2025


Sample Schedule

7:30 a.m. – 9 a.m.: Check-in and Free Play
9 a.m. – 10 a.m.: Outdoor Roundup, Snack, and Pep Rally
10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.: Activity Block
11:30 a.m. – 12:40 p.m.: Lunch, Games and Team Challenge
12:40 p.m. – 2:10 p.m.: Activity Block
2:10 p.m. – 3 p.m.: Closing Pep Rally and Announcements
3 p.m. – 5 p.m.: Snack and Outdoor Games
5 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.: Cleanup and Check-out

Additional Information

  • Pack a lunch, additional snacks, and a water bottle (two snacks per day are provided at camp).
  • Apply sunscreen prior to camp (pack sunscreen for camper to reapply) and wear closed toe shoes.
  • Medication and a Medical Authorization Form (found online) must be given to the Camp Coordinator.
  • Weekly camp information is emailed the Friday prior to the first day of each week of camp.
  • Campers are placed in groups of similar grade. We are unable to accommodate specific grouping requests.

Benefits to Enrollment


Early Bird Rate

Enroll early & save! Early-bird pricing will be available!


Safe Environment

Safety guidelines include group size limitations, check-in procedures, and cleaning protocols.


Educational Fun

Sharpen understanding of nature, reasoning, reading, and more. Develop interpersonal relationships through teamwork and communication.


Age-Appropriate Activity

Students experience theme-centric activities in groups based on the grade they will be entering in the fall.



Combo Camp Discount

Attend an enrichment camp the same week you attend Summer Adventure and save $75 off the weekly rate!


Offsite Field Trips

Take an adventure offsite by signing up for one of the weeks with a field trip. Excursions include the movies, museums, and more.


What Parents Say

Mason loved the adventure this summer. He was always smiling and happy when picked up at the end of the day.

My girls came home happy every day they attended!

The kids were excited to come and we felt they were having fun and learning at the same time.

Summer Program Information

Registration Opens March 2025!
Cancellations and Refunds

If any summer program is canceled by the Carlsbad Educational Foundation, a full refund will be available or a change of schedule may be made with no processing fee. The Carlsbad Educational Foundation respects the fact that life is unpredictable and that it may become necessary for you to withdraw from a summer program. In consideration to life’s uncertainties, we offer the following refund policies:

Summer Adventure

Receive a 75% refund if cancelled at two weeks prior to weekly camp start date. If cancelling within two weeks, there is no credit or refund. Weeks are non-transferable to another week. Cancellations in writing must be submitted via email to Carlsbad Kids Care:

Summer Enrichment

Receive a 75% refund when cancellation is submitted in writing at least two weeks before any half-day enrichment camp. Full-day enrichment camps must be canceled within four weeks of the start date for a 75% refund. No credit or refund if canceling within two weeks of a camp start date. You may transfer a purchased enrichment camp to another enrichment camp of the same price for no additional charge. Cancellations must be submitted via email to

Summer Academy

Once a class has begun, students may withdraw by completing a Withdrawal Request Form, available online here. You may also request a withdrawal form by emailing Final approval for dropping a class will be given by the Carlsbad Educational Foundation.

All enrollment cancellations and refund requests must be submitted through the Cancellation/Drop Request Form found online here.

Financial Aid

Carlsbad Educational Foundation awards financial assistance for Enrichment Camps and Summer Academy. A percentage of tuition assistance is discounted based on financial need and availability. Guardians must apply by the deadline assigned for each program. Applying for financial aid does not guarantee any financial aid will be awarded.

Application for Financial Aid (Click Here)


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