Walk for Schools
Traditionally at this time students recognize their academic journey with a walk to collect their hard-earned diplomas. Every step symbolizes movement to end one chapter and commence another.
All students, whether stepping up to the next grade, promoting to a new school, or graduating and moving on in their journey deserve our recognition for their successes this year and our support on their journey forward.
Will You Help Us Move Forward Together?
We celebrate all students, teachers, and families for enduring a tremendous shift over the last 11 weeks. We honor all of our student achievements and the collective adjustment to online classroom instruction since school closures.

ZOOM Meeting with Valley Middle School Orchestra Students

Words of Wisdom for Our School Community
Check back to hear from community leaders who have Words of Wisdom to share and empower our school community as we #MoveForwardTogether

Words of Wisdom from Community Leaders
Resilience, courage, and adaptability are qualities our students, teachers, and community embraced this year. Hear advice from local leaders to empower us to #MoveForwardTogether.
Mike Bronner | Dr. Bronner’s
Adam Jacobs | Fortis Fitness & YogaLUX
Valerie Houchin | Schneider Electric
Shannon McAndrews | Sage Creek Foundation
Yvonne Jones | Mission Fed Credit Union
Jackie Mazur | Guide My Finances
Marty Glaske | Gafcon
We Are All Adapting.
Walk for Schools Spin for Schools
The annual Spin for Schools event, scheduled for Saturday, March 21, was paused because of school closures and San Diego county’s stay at home order.
Walk for Schools is an adaptation.
This virtual event will highlight Words of Wisdom from leaders in our schools and community to commemorate every student’s academic journey this year.
Spin for Schools 2019 Fundraising event
  Thank You to Our Spin for Schools Sponsors & Partners
Dollars Raised From Spin for Schools Before School Closures
Your generous support of Carlsbad schools will be critical to helping us adapt hands-on learning and interactive programs in music, science labs, leadership experience and more during COVID-19 and when our students reintegrate to classrooms.
All funds raised through Walk for Schools will supplement those raised from Spin for Schools.
Join our circle of supporters to help us #moveforwardtogether.
Please contact Claudia Ehrlich for information.