Five Tips to Help Navigate Transition!

Our expert panel from January’s Community Talk, ‘Navigating Through Transition: How to Cope Successfully with Change,’ shared personal experiences that helped them deal with change.
Five highlights from the discussion:
“A way to keep kids motivated is to create a space that allows them to be creative and helps remind them what they are working towards.”

Leah Baker, Panelist
School Counselor at Carlsbad High School and Educational Liaison with the San Diego County Office of Education Foster Youth Services.
“The more compassion we have for each other, the smoother this transition will be.”

Jill McManigal, Panelist
Co-Founder of Kids for Peace, a nonprofit that empowers kids to create peace through service, acts of kindness, and The Great Kindness Challenge event.
“Take this time of isolation for personal growth. Learn a new skill and get closer to a family member.”

Nolan Mejia, Panelist
Sage Creek High School Senior and founder of Grocery Grab, a free grocery shopping service to senior citizens and other at-risk groups to reduce the risk of being exposed to Covid-19.
“Some things that can help internally could be breathwork, meditation, exercise, and journaling.”

Kevin Kirk, Panelist
Former Navy SEAL and founder of the Make a Wake Foundation, a nonprofit that teaches students (grades K-6) the power that just one positive action can have on the world.
“Do something for someone else when you are feeling stuck.”