Inspire a Passion for Art.

Donate art packs with necessary supplies for students to experience art during distance learning.

Advanced Art Packs

Provide take-home supplies for high school students enrolled in either Art 3 or AP Art. Our goal is to supply 90 students with the materials they need to feel inspired by art during distance learning! Supplies Include: Oil paints, Odorless Turpenoid, Acrylic Paint, Oil Pastels, Paint Brushes and Tray, Glue Sticks, Pencils, Blending Stump, Eraser, and more!

Donate one for your student and gift another for a student in need!

1 Pack $43
2 Packs $86
3 Packs $129

Stay Educated.

13 + 14 =

Location: 5631 Palmer Way, Suite L
Carlsbad, CA 92009

Telephone: (760) 929-1555


Hours: M-F: 9am – 4pm